Metro Denver Local Development Corp.


The Metro Denver Local Development Corporation (MDLDC) is a Colorado Non-profit Corporation.

Our Non-profit group was established in 1978 to serve urban neighborhoods in the Denver metropolitan area. Our mission is to foster business revitalization and neighborhood preservation in transitional neighborhoods that have the potential for rejuvenation. We accomplish this by providing planning and management services to business interest groups and by working closely with adjacent neighborhoods and local government agencies. We have been serving Denver neighborhood business interests, with small business management and economic development expertise, for over 45 years.

In addition, MDLDC provides expertise in Community Development, Asset Management & Special District Maintenance Services. Our passion is in creating business environments that are pedestrian friendly, safe, attractive and supportive of business patrons. Our methodology is to learn through community engagement and then discuss with our stakeholders. Planning becomes action and the implementation of a revitalization strategy for sustainable and equal economic growth. Ongoing, MDLDC has the ability to provide for streetscape improvement design and manage the day to day operations for maintenance services.

MDLDC's President, Anthony Gengaro, is a serial entrepreneur with a vibrant spirit and well-established background as a small business owner in Denver. His work is evidence of a deep commitment to community and a solution-based approach to some of today's most pressing issues. Anthony has spent nearly a decade leading the Metro Denver Local Development Corp., and heading some of Denver's best landscape, architectural and design firms. Specifically, with MDLDC as a vehicle, Anthony brings an invaluable knowledge base and passion to the Santa Fe Corridor.

Metro Denver Local Development Corp.
135 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80223